
You Give them Something

You Give them Something

Few things cause us to depend on God more than pushing through fears, excuses, or perceived inadequacies in...
You Give Them Something

You Give Them Something

September 5, 2021
Few things cause us to depend on God more than pushing through fears, excuses, or perceived inadequacies in...


September 26, 2021
It’s likely that our generation experiences more distraction than any other generation in history. We touch our smart...


August 29, 2021
Rahab—a prostitute—was never expected to help protect two important men, let alone orchestrate their escape. But God sees...
Priscilla & Aquila

Priscilla & Aquila

August 8, 2021
Priscilla and Aquila are a power couple from the pages of the New Testament. There isn’t lots written...
Jonah Whines

Jonah Whines

February 27, 2022
I love grace when God extends it to me. It's God extending it to certain others that most...
Stop Going To Church (Part 1)

Stop Going To Church (Part 1)

September 3, 2022
Full participation in a church is a way of rebelling against consumer desire becoming the center of your...
Stop Going To Church (Part 2)

Stop Going To Church (Part 2)

September 10, 2022
Full participation in a church includes committing to a small circle (that you don’t necessarily choose) therefore demonstrating...
Wise Doers

Wise Doers

October 29, 2022
To hear God is to grasp Him speaking to us in Christ, by His Spirit, and through the...
Wise Discernment

Wise Discernment

November 5, 2022
Turn from prejudice to mercy. Treat the poor and the rich as equally loved and valued brothers and...
Wise Works

Wise Works

November 12, 2022
Wise faith is merciful faith. Faith without mercy is not faith...


June 4, 2023
The ‘genius of the AND’ is a concept developed by Jim Collins in his best-selling book Built to...


June 11, 2023
With billions of people in the world, someone should have designed a system, a place where nobody does...


June 18, 2023
Belonging matters...it matters a lot, but BECOMING is the ultimate goal. If all we do is create welcoming...
Belong & Become Part 1

Belong & Become Part 1

August 27, 2023
This weekend we will be hearing from some of our people as they share stories from their journey...
Deeply Rooted...IN PRIVATE

Deeply Rooted...IN PRIVATE

October 29, 2023
So many of us live under the suffocating weight of the approval (or disapproval) of others. Jesus tackles...
Christ and the Wider Community

Christ and the Wider Community

June 9, 2024
The wider community is watching...what do they see in you? In us?