Reminder: 2020 Donations
All donations must be received by end-of-day December 31 in order to be receipted in 2020.
International Workers Christmas Gift
During this season, remember the work that is being done by our International Workers. Share love and encourage our International Workers.
You can participate this year in the following ways:
Pick up a card at one of our weekend services from the table in the South Atrium and write a note of encouragement and/or make a donation.
Write a note of encouragement on a card of your own choosing and then drop it off or mail it to the church (Attention: Rebecca Trask). Please write separate cards for each International Worker that you want to send a note to, but you can mail them all together if that makes it easier! Donations can also be dropped off or mailed in with your cards if you choose to make a financial gift too.
Go sign our online cards for each of our International Workers.
When making a donation towards this project, please use the Sherwood Park Alliance Church offering envelopes to give your financial gift designating it to the Sherwood Park Alliance Church International Workers Christmas Project. If you are mailing or dropping off a cheque, please put this in the memo line. Alternatively, you can go online to make a donation. This gift is to be shared equally between our International Workers. Because this is a gift, tax receipts cannot be given. Learn more...
If you have any questions about this project or about giving, please contact Rebecca Trask.
Solemn Assembly
Solemn Assembly will take place online January 4 - 8. You are encouraged to sign up for a simple challenge that week to help you and your family pray. The PRAY acronym is what Solemn Assembly is being built around this year. (P=Pause, R=Rejoice, A=Ask, Y=Yield/Yes)
. Prayer is for everyone - no matter your age or where you are in your faith journey. Spend time with Jesus and set the tone for the rest of the year. More details...
Annual General Meeting : Update
The Annual General Meeting was held on Monday, December 7. Updates were provided on all ministry areas and the the 2020 Financial Statements were approved. The Elder Board welcomed Kent Maddigan and Scott Pierce as Elders for the 2021-2023 term. At the same time, Glen Tjostheim and Ken Marshman stepped-down from the Board. Thank you for the hard work and leadership they have given during their time on the Board.
Family News
Do you have Family News you'd like to share with our church family? Email [email protected] and let us know!