Greg's Farewell Service

This is Greg’s last sermon weekend & Farewell Service.

We are deeply grateful for Greg and his shepherd's heart as he has led us over these last 17 years. That makes Greg our longest serving lead pastor. His faithful teaching, sensitivity to people exploring faith, and willingness to be present in times of tragedy have been just a few examples of how he has led us and our community.   

You are invited to participate in a love offering for Greg as a way of blessing him. You can give online by selecting "love offering" or you can also give at the giving kiosks in the South atrium - please write "Greg - Love Offering" on the envelope. The Love Offering will be open until September 23rd.

If you would like to drop off a card for Greg & Corrine, there will be a basket available at the Connection Desk.

This weekend we will pray for and bless pastor Greg. Following the service, in the atrium, there will be chips & cookies & refreshments and time with Greg & Corrine. After both the Saturday night & Sunday morning services.